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[1037]  Nxy time & offline time> Viper san & Austin san
□投稿者/ AUSTIN オースティン -(2005/04/23(Sat) 19:51:17)

    Hallo Tare

    Alright,i see it. :)
    It's time,you must hold out to yr examination study.
    You can be done playing at anytime in yr lifetime. ;)

    And if you need in yr relaxation time,
    Let's do online to TCJP,
    talking with Viper, "Scream"reg members,and me.

    I'm wishing the thing that
    it's possible to meet you at anytime in TCJP. ;D

    -Greeting AUSTIN-
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<<Nxy time & offline time> Viper san & Austin san /Tare >>Re[2]: Nxy time & offline time> Viper san & Austin san /Tare

MESSAGE Nxy time & offline time> Viper .. /Tare (05/04/23(Sat) 17:33) [1036]
......MESSAGE Re[1]: Nxy time & offline time>.. /AUSTIN オースティン (05/04/23(Sat) 19:51) [1037] ←Now
............MESSAGE Re[2]: Nxy time & offline time>.. /Tare (05/04/24(Sun) 04:25) [1040]
......MESSAGE Re[1]: Nxy time & offline time>.. /exzion (05/04/23(Sat) 23:39) [1038]
............MESSAGE Re[2]: Nxy time & offline time>.. /Tare (05/04/24(Sun) 04:18) [1039]
......MESSAGE Re[1]: Nxy time & offline time>.. /LethalViper (05/04/25(Mon) 08:39) [1041]

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