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[1036]  Nxy time & offline time> Viper san & Austin san
□投稿者/ Tare -(2005/04/23(Sat) 17:33:13)


    Thank you for explaining Nxy bug problem.
    But i miss the Nxy time :(

    Next month, i will offline for exams.
    Little time to play TCJP :(

    Hope to see you soon.. Enjoy^^
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親記事 >>Re[1]: Nxy time & offline time> Viper san & Austin san /AUSTIN オースティン
>>Re[1]: Nxy time & offline time> Viper san & Austin san /exzion
>>Re[1]: Nxy time & offline time> Viper san & Austin san /LethalViper

MESSAGE Nxy time & offline time> Viper .. /Tare (05/04/23(Sat) 17:33) [1036] ←Now
......MESSAGE Re[1]: Nxy time & offline time>.. /AUSTIN オースティン (05/04/23(Sat) 19:51) [1037]
............MESSAGE Re[2]: Nxy time & offline time>.. /Tare (05/04/24(Sun) 04:25) [1040]
......MESSAGE Re[1]: Nxy time & offline time>.. /exzion (05/04/23(Sat) 23:39) [1038]
............MESSAGE Re[2]: Nxy time & offline time>.. /Tare (05/04/24(Sun) 04:18) [1039]
......MESSAGE Re[1]: Nxy time & offline time>.. /LethalViper (05/04/25(Mon) 08:39) [1041]

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